House Approves Huffman Proposal to Increase Available Affordable Housing in West Marin

December 11, 2015

Washington, DC – Congressman Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael) today announced that the U.S. House of Representatives has approved his proposal to increase the availability of badly-needed affordable housing in West Marin, by requiring the Coast Guard to convey its roughly 30-acre property located in Point Reyes Station to the County of Marin. The County intends to work with local partners to repurpose the property as affordable housing and community space. 

In May, Huffman was able to successfully pass a legislative initiative allowing the County exclusive first rights to purchase the property. Since that time, the Congressman has worked with bipartisan colleagues on both sides of the Capitol to secure stronger language and require by law the sale of the property to the County within four years. The House has now approved an updated Coast Guard authorization bill that includes this stronger language. 

“The legislation brings us one step closer to ensuring that the Coast Guard property will benefit working families in West Marin. This is the strongest mandate to date: it requires by law that the Coast Guard transfer its Point Reyes Station housing site to Marin County for permanent affordable housing,” Huffman said. “I thank Senators Boxer and Feinstein for introducing companion legislation, and I look forward to working with colleagues in the House and Senate to swiftly move the legislation to the President’s desk.” 

Initially the Coast Guard planned to auction the property, designated as surplus, to the highest bidder. However, after well over a year of legislative efforts by Congressman Huffman and persistent advocacy from the local community, including the Community Land Association of West Marin (CLAM) and County Supervisor Steve Kinsey, the Coast Guard formally agreed in October to sell the property to the County. Today’s House-passed legislation provides a legal backstop to ensure the sale proceeds promptly. 

A previous press release from the Congressman on the subject is available here.  
